*Update 7/1/2024: Highlights magazine is currently closed for submissions. Any submissions or queries received at this time will be declined.
Creative contributions from submitters younger than 16 should be mailed to Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. We do not accept work through Submittable (or through e-mail) from writers younger than 16.
Highlights is a general-interest magazine for children ages 6-12. By publishing stories, puzzles, articles, and activities that are fun and engaging, we aim to inspire kids to be their best selves–creative, curious, caring, and confident. Highlights was founded in 1946 by Dr. Garry Cleveland Myers and Caroline Clark Myers, and is still owned and run by their family. The magazine accepts no outside advertising and has no religious or organizational affiliation. Highlights has a circulation of about a million and is published monthly.
Please upload only one manuscript or query per submission. We welcome multiple submissions, but we prefer that each be submitted separately.

  • We encourage writers to read several recent copies of Highlights before submitting work.
  • We pay on acceptance, and we buy all rights, including copyright. We do not consider previously published material.
  • We accept material at any time of the year, including seasonal material.
  • For submissions that require research, please include references, interview transcripts or notes, correspondence with experts, and any other pertinent backup.
  • Please submit each manuscript only once, to the most appropriate magazine (Highlights, High Five, or Hello), keeping in mind the different age ranges.

For more tips and information of interest to writers, visit www.HighlightsFoundation.org.

Thanks for sending us your work! High Five is now closed to submissions. 

The High Five team will be reading your submissions and making decisions over the next several weeks.

Thank you for your interest in writing for High Five. We encourage you to become familiar with our magazine (library, bookstore, online) before you submit. 

  • We're looking for great stories, fresh voices, and nonfiction relevant to the lives and interests of children ages 2-6. We adore whimsical stories that will tickle readers' imaginations.
  • We're most interested in stories and nonfiction. Stories should delight, engage, and inspire young children ages 2-6. If  your story has a young child as the protagonist, that child should be the one to solve the dilemma. Stories should be paced so that they fit on four magazine pages, with a maximum of 160 words total. Nonfiction should reflect what's interesting and comprehensible to a preschooler. We're more interested in insects than biographies.  
  • We do not publish rebus stories, finger plays, stories longer than 160 words, or previously published works. 

Please submit only one manuscript per submission. You may submit multiple stories or poems so long as each one is a separate submission. 

Please submit each manuscript only once, to the most appropriate Highlights magazine, keeping in mind the different age ranges. The editors work together closely and will share a manuscript if they feel it's better suited to a different magazine. 

Please note: We do not accept work through Submittable (or through e-mail) from writers younger than 16. Young writers and artists may send their work to: Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. Or they may upload it at this link: https://www.highlightskids.com/asks/share-with-us/your-own-pages

Highlights Hello is currently closed to submissions. Manuscripts submitted during this time will be declined without consideration. 

Highlights Hello is a magazine for adults to share with infants and toddlers ages 0-2, with a focus on infants 6-18 months. Texts must be developmentally appropriate and relevant to the ages and stages of infants and young toddlers. We love humor and non-rhyming stories and poems. Hello manuscripts should max out at 50 words, but shorter texts work better.      

Art samples: mail a postcard to the Highlights offices. 

We do not accept work through Submittable (or through e-mail) from writers younger than 16. Young  writers and artists may send their work to: Highlights, 803 Church  Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. Or they may upload it at this link: https://www.highlightskids.com/asks/share-with-us/your-own-pages

Moratorium on Highlights Hidden Pictures® Submissions

Updated: 5.15.2017

Dear Illustrators,

Thank you to everyone who has contributed Hidden Pictures puzzles to
Highlights through Submittable. Because of your great work, we now have enough
Hidden Pictures puzzles in our files to fill all our currently planned

Therefore, for the time being, we are placing a moratorium on new
submissions. We are still in the process of reviewing all submissions sent
prior to the moratorium, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to
respond to these submissions.

Thank you again for your interest in Highlights and in our Hidden Pictures
puzzles. When we open submissions again, we will place a notice here.

Best wishes,

The Highlights Hidden Pictures Team
